Workshop Outline

This is a morning workshop at the AIED 2009 conference and an associated afternoon discussion forum on Participatory Science.

AIED and other Technology Enhanced Learning approaches have long been employed to promote science inquiry learning (e.g. Quintana et al, 2004, Ravenscroft, 2007) and more recently in educational e-Science activities (Woodgate & Stanton Fraser, 2005). However, with current concerns about science education, the need for a scientifically informed public, and the impact emerging technologies are having on ways of doing science it is timely to look afresh at how technology can and should be used to enhance the kinds of learning that are relevant to current and future scientific practice and particularly at how we can enable greater public participation in, and engagement with science.

The morning workshop will involve short presentations and discussion of a small number of accepted papers. Participation in the morning session requires registration to the AIED 2009 conference. The afternoon session is free. Participants in either session are expected to submit short position papers.

In the afternoon we plan to offer the opportunity for more extended discussion at The Interact Lab located a short distance away in the Sussex Countryside. Discussion activities will aim to explore the future of technology enhanced Participatory Science, research challenges and implications for designers, learners, educators and policy makers. Accepted workshop papers will be made available on this website prior to the workshop. Outcomes from the discussion will also be made available here.

  • Morning – Workshop presentations and discussion in Brighton
  • Afternoon – Structured discussion at The Interact Lab, Falmer
We will provide a more detailed timetable when we receive confirmation of timings and dates from the AIED organizers.


Woodgate, D. & Stanton Fraser, D. (2005) eScience and Education: A Review. Report produced for JISC. retrieved 15 Jan, 2009.

Quintana, C, Reiser, B.J, Davis, E.A., Krajcik, J et al (2004) 'A Scaffolding Design Framework for Software to Support Science Inquiry', Journal of the Learning Sciences 13:3,337 — 386

Ravenscroft, A., (2007) Promoting Thinking and Conceptual Change with Digital Dialogue Games. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, v23 n6 p453-465

Related workshops were held at AIED 2007 and at the international e-Science 2006 conference.

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