Call for Participation

To participate in the workshop, submit a short (up to 5 pages) paper describing your research as it relates to the workshop. Authors should follow AIED formatting instructions (word template / latex template). In your submission please clearly state the relevance to the workshop. Submissions will be reviewed and the number of presentations accepted for presentation at the workshop will be restricted.

We are interested in descriptions of practical, theoretical and technical work directly relevant to using technology to support science learning and/or increase participation in science in formal and/or informal contexts. Some possible topics are given as examples below but submissions identifying any other relevant topics are welcome.
  • Studies of participatory and community science teaching and learning
  • Descriptions of e-Science, Web 2.0 or other technologies and their application in supporting science teaching and learning and/or participation in science.
  • Accounts of the design and evaluation of novel tools (e.g. Augmented Reality, Mobile learning, Games for learning, Virtual reality) used to support science learning/teaching/participation.
  • Practitioner perspectives and relevant work in teacher training.
  • Studies of virtual communities for science learning and participation.
  • Tools to support skills (e.g. reflection, data analysis, visualization) for science learning and participation
  • Shared virtual scientific instruments, sensors and tools for data capture and publishing.
  • Studies from, and across, formal and informal learning contexts (e.g. classrooms, museums, field-trips, home, a family walk in the countryside)
To participate only in the afternoon discussion, submit a short (max 5 page) paper describing your vision for future science and addressing the role of technology in increasing participation in science and/or science learning and teaching. All participants in the morning session will be welcome at the afternoon discussion.

Submissions should be made through EasyChair (you will need to sign-up for an account if you do not already have one) or via email to the organisers.

Any participants wishing to demonstrate systems should contact the workshop organisers at the earliest opportunity to clarify requirements. Please also contact the organisers with any other questions you may have (

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